Right from the so-called crucifixion of Jesus .Jews were blamed by the Gospel for this incident. According to analysts, right after this incident throughout, Europe prosecution of Jews started, Extreme instances of Jewish persecution include the First Crusade of 1096, the expulsion from England in 1290, the Spanish Inquisition, the expulsion from Spain in 1492, the expulsion from Portugal in 1497 and Holocaust was the climax of this centuries old hatred, which was created by Christian church. As we all knows, the Roman crucified Jesus, not the Jews.
Jews Blamed for loss in WW1
After the signing of Treaty of Versailles at the end of WW1, state of war between Germany and its allied forces was formally ended, as far as Germans are concerned, they totally rejected this treaty as it was considered bad for the Germany.
After the World War 1, majority of Germans were of the view that, they came close to winning the war with the Spring Offensive earlier in 1918, but they failed because of strikes in the arms industry at a critical moment of the offensive, leaving soldiers with an inadequate supply of materiel and this strike was blamed on the Jews.
Inferior Race
According to historians, it is widely believed that Hitler deemed Germans as to be a superior race as compared to other races i.e. Aryans, Jews, Gypsies etc, and he thought that this was one of important reasons of Holocaust and prosecution of other races.
Great Depression of 1929 and Jews - Envy
Great Depression of 1929, started just after the stock market crash on October 29, 1929 on black Tuesday, Germany was worst hit by this economic downturn, almost every city was affected and 6 million people got unemployed.
During and after the slump, Jews were doing great financially, that made the role of Jews suspicious in the eyes of Germans and negative propaganda by Hitler provided the impetus to this notion and they started thinking that, Jews are responsible for this Downturn and they are getting full benefit from the recession.
The other reason was envy. After World War I, he saw that a lot of Germans were without jobs and struggling. Instead of looking at the war as the root cause of the economic problem, he blamed it on the Jews.
Even during the hard times, the Hebrew people were able to make good in Germany. Through sheer resourcefulness they were able to land jobs as lawyers, doctors and skilled professionals. That was another reason why Hitler hated the Jews. He saw them as taking away opportunities that belonged to the Aryan people.
To Make Jews Scapegoat
Many analysts believe that Hitler make Jews scapegoat to revive nationalism among German nation, in the course of the thirteen years of furious propaganda, Hitler and the Nazis succeeded in making anti-Semitism “respectable and even patriotic.” With the help of the church, and the New Testament, this helped unite Germany.
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